After playing golf for 25 years, I consider myself a student of the game. Some observations from the Barclay Open, November 16, 2008.
1. Phil, time for a new trainer, those manboobs have got to go.
2. Being a tall expat and trying to get close to the action with all the extended umbrellas at the course is a dangerous situation. Felt like a midget on a date with a porcupine.
3. I thought Ernie was a bomber but both Dyson and Bjorn hit it with him....and often by him.
4. Technology has changed viewing golf live. Everyone is so afraid of breaking viewing etiquette either with the click of a camera or cell phone ringing, that I have never heard such hushed tones among 3000 people: you could have heard a pine needle drop.
5. Sartorial suggestions: wear earth colors or Ninja black. Any loud clothing could call attention to you: "Hey buddy, yeah you in the green striped shirt, put the camera away for the last time!"
6. My close friend Phil (he walked down the fairway with a towel under his arm and once I hit range balls with a towel under my arm to get the feel of turning the whole upper body) hit it closer than anyone, but made nothing.
7. My close friend Padraig (he actually said excuse me when he walked by me to get to a tee box) was the best to watch and hit draws, fades, and bullets as necessary.
8. Wanna a chance to loop for the pros. Learn to say, "Put away the camera!" in 10 languages.
9. They all hit about the same distance off the tee and the same distance from the pin, but Jeev made more putts.
10. Both Ernie and Padraig were quoted in the Straits Times saying they were disappointed losing by a stroke, but both felt good for Jeev Milka Singh. When was the last time you heard an athlete say that!
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