Everybody keeps asking for student feedback and reflections on E-Learning. Hey, how about teacher feedback? Even though nobody asked, it's never stopped me from expressing an opinion.
I'll be right up front--I'm not a big E-Learning fan. Concepts that I could teach in minutes took entire lessons. My feedback was restricted to brief written responses that in many instances seemed inadequate. I wanted to discuss student writing, seek clarification, have them defend their answers, see peer responses, initiate real-time group discussions. That's why I entered the profession, to engage in real learning, not virtual learning. Oh yes, did I mention eye strain from staring at a video screen for up to eight hours? Many students did!
Okay, now that I've had my whine, I will admit this: I was impressed with student responses to online lessons. And I understand how important E-Learning is especially when pandemics surface, it's just that if I had my choice, I'd rather be part of the real classroom with live students!
In the meantime, get ready for more of the same. H1N1 is proliferating and all teachers are to start preparing for round 2 of E-Learning. Let the fun continue....
When will there be a second E-Learning? P.S. Murray is just 1285 points away from being world NO.2. Nadal says he will be back soon, before the Open (31/8/2009).
No idea when "round 2" will begin but stay posted. The tennis tour needs Nadal back. As much as everyone loves seeing Federer win, they still want him to win beating the best and right now that's Nadal. It was the same when Tiger was out with knee surgery: viewing of golf dropped right off. Here's one for you: who ends up with more majors Federer or Tiger? Nicklaus has 18 majors and Tiger has 14, one fewer than Federer. It's kind of interesting having a cross-sport comparison. Countless considerations like longevity in the sport, Tiger has to beat the field whereas Federer has to beat 6 players in his draw, injuries, etc all factor in. Kind of fascinating, I think.
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